Our research foci are:
Numerical solutions to wave equation:
- Wave functional materials:
- Metamaterials: artificial materials engineered to have properties that may not be found in nature;
- Photonic/phononic crystals: structured materials with periodic modulations in their physical parameters.
- Effective medium theory:
- Effective medium at finite frequencies: breaks the quasi-static limit and works for resonances;
- Effective medium with "extreme" parameters: when the filling-ratio is extremely high.
- Waves in random media:
- Transport behavior: coherent and diffusive transition, energy equilibration;
- Time reversal and imaging: locating an object by back propagating reversed signals.
- Numerical solutions to wave equation:
- Multiple-scattering or T-matrix: a method that takes all interactions between scatterers into account;
- Algorithms: fast-multipole, sparse matrix canonical grid.
Current Research