Peer-reviewed journal publications (Reverse Chronological Order, *denotes corresponding author).
- Rfaqat Ali, Ying Wu "Enantioselective transport of chiral spheres using focused femtosecond laser pulses" Opt. Express 31, 29716-29729 (2023)
- Waqas W. Ahmed, Mohamed Farhat, Pai-Yen Chen, Xiangliang Zhang, Ying Wu “ A Generative deep learning approach for shape recognition of arbitraryobjects from phaseless acoustic scattering data" Advanced Intelligent Systems. 5, 2200260 (2023)
- Mohamed Farhat, Pai-Yen Chen, Ying Wu “Sound Waveguiding by Spinning: An Avenue toward Unidirectional Acoustic Spinning Fibers” Phys. Rev. Applied, 19, L041002 (2023)
- Changqing Xu, Waqas Waseem Ahmed, Ying Wu, "Broad-angle coherent perfect absorption-lasing and super-collimation in two-dimensional non-Hermitian photonic crystals" Opt. Express 31, 2112-2119 (2023)
- Changqing Xu, Keqiang Lyu, Ying Wu “Artificial double-zero-index materials” Europhys. Lett. 141, 15002 (2023)
- Waqas W. Ahmed, Mohamed Farhat, Kestutis Staliunas, Xiangliang Zhang, Ying Wu “Machine learning for knowledge acquisition and accelerated inverse-design for non-Hermitian systems” Commun Phys 6, 2 (2023)
- Mohamed Farhat, Sebastien Guenneau, Pai-Yen Chen, Ying Wu “Scattering properties of acoustic beams off spinning objects: Induced radiation force and torque” Appl. Phys. Lett. 121, 141702 (2022)
- Changqing Xu, Sibo Huang, Zhiwei Guo, Haitao Jiang, Yong Li, Ying Wu* and Hong Chen "Acoustic Beam Splitting and Cloaking Based on a Compressibility-Near-Zero Medium" Physical Review Applied, 17, 054025 (2022)
- Changqing Xu, Mohamed Farhat, Ying Wu* "Non-Hermitian electromagnetic double-near-zero index medium in a two-dimensional photonic crystal" Appl. Phys, Lett. 119, 224102 (2021)
- Changqing Xu, Hongchen Chu, Jie Luo, Zhi Hong Hang, Ying Wu*, Yun Lai "Three-dimensional electromagnetic void space" Phys. Rev. Lett. 127, 123902 (2021)
- Mohamed Farhat, P-Y Chen, M Amin, A Alù, Y Wu* "Transverse acoustic spin and torque from pure spinning of objects" Phys. Rev. B 104, L060104 (2021)
- Mohamed Farhat, Sebastien Guenneau, Pai-Yen Chen, Ying Wu* "Spacetime modulation in floating thin elastic plates" Phys. Rev. B 104, 014308 (2021)
- Waqas Waseem Ahmed, Ramon Herrero, Muriel Botey, Ying Wu*, Kestutis Staliunas "Inverse-design of non-Hermitian potentials for on-demand asymmetric reflectivity" Opt. Express 29, 17001-17010 (2021)
- Changqing Xu, Ze-Guo Chen, Guanqing Zhang, Guancong Ma, Ying Wu* "Multi-dimensional wave steering with higher-order topological phononic crystal" Sci. Bull. 66, 1740-1745 (2021)
- Mohamed Farhat, P-Y Chen, Sebastien Guenneau, Y Wu* "Self-dual singularity through lasing and antilasing in thin elastic plates" Phys. Rev. B 103, 134101 (2021)
- Mohamed Farhat, Waqas W Ahmad, Abdelkrim Khelif, Khaled N Salama, Ying Wu* "Enhanced acoustic pressure sensors based on coherent perfect absorber-laser effect" J. Appl. Phys. 129, 104902 (2021)
- Waqas W Ahmed, Mohamed Farhat, Xiangliang Zhang, Ying Wu* "Deterministic and probabilistic deep learning models for inverse design of broadband acoustic cloak" Phys. Rev. Research 3, 013142 (2021)
- Mohamed Farhat, Sebastien Guenneau, Pai-Yen Chen, Ying Wu* "Parity-Time Symmetry and Exceptional Points for Flexural-Gravity Waves in Buoyant Thin-Plates" Crystals 10, 1039 (2020)
- Waqas Waseem Ahmed, R Herrero, M Botey, Ying Wu*, Kestutis Staliunas "Restricted Hilbert transform for non-Hermitian management of fields" Phys. Rev. Applied 14, 044010 (2020)
- Mohamed Farhat, Sebastien Guenneau, Andrea Alù, Ying Wu* "Scattering cancellation technique for acoustic spinning objects" Phys. Rev. B 101, 174111 (2020)
- Changqing Xu, Guancong Ma, Ze-Guo Chen, Jie Luo, Jinjie Shi, Yun Lai, Ying Wu* "Three-dimensional acoustic double-zero-index medium with a fourfold degenerate Dirac-like point" Phys. Rev. Lett. 124, 074501 (2020)
- Li-Yang Zheng, Vassos Achilleos, Ze-Guo Chen, Olivier Richoux, Georgios Theocharis, Ying Wu, Jun Mei, Simon Felix, Vincent Tournat, Vincent Pagneux "Acoustic graphene network loaded with Helmholtz resonators: a first-principle modeling, Dirac cones, edge and interface waves" New J. Phys. 22, 013029 (2020)
- Waqas Waseem Ahmed, Ramon Herrero, Muriel Botey, Ying Wu, Kestutis Staliunas "Regularization of vertical-cavity surface-emitting laser emission by periodic non-Hermitian potentials" Opt. Lett. 44, 3948-3951 (2019)
- Jun Mei, Ying Wu* "Subwavelength acoustic monopole source emission enhancement through dual gratings" Sci. Rep. 9, 11659 (2019)
- Ze-Guo Chen, Changqing Xu, Rasha Al Jahdali, Jun Mei, Ying Wu* "Corner states in a second-order acoustic topological insulator as bound states in the continuum" Phys. Rev. B 100, 075120 (2019)
- Lixin Ge, Ke Gong, Yuping Cang, Yongsong Luo, Xi Shi, Ying Wu* "Magnetically tunable multiband near-field radiative heat transfer between two graphene sheets" Phys. Rev. B 100, 035414 (2019)
- Ming-Jun Tuo, Li-Heng Zhang, Dong Liu, Ru-Wen Peng, Ren-Hao Fan, Ze-Guo Chen, Ying Wu, Dong-Xiang Qi, Mu Wang "Twist-projected two-dimensional acoustic topological insulators" Phys. Rev. B 99, 205432 (2019)
- Badreddine Assouar, Bin Liang, Ying Wu, Yong Li, Jian-Chun Cheng, Yun Jing "Acoustic metasurfaces" Nat. Rev. Mater. 3, 460-472 (2018)
- Rasha Al Jahdali, Ying Wu* "Coupled Resonators for Sound Trapping and Absorption" Sci. Rep. 8, 13855 (2018)
- Maryam Landi, Jiajun Zhao, Wayne E Prather, Ying Wu*, Likun Zhang "Acoustic Purcell effect for enhanced emission" Phys. Rev. Lett. 120, 114301 (2018)
- Jun Mei, Xiujuan Zhang, Ying Wu* "Ultrathin metasurface with high absorptance for waterborne sound" J. Appl. Phys. 123, 091710 (2018)
- Ying Wu, Min Yang, Ping Sheng "Perspective: Acoustic metamaterials in transition" J. Appl. Phys. 123, 090901 (2018)
- Shiqiao Wu, Ying Wu*, Jun Mei "Topological helical edge states in water waves over a topographical bottom" New J. Phys. 20, 023051 (2018)
- Jiajun Zhao, Rasha Al Jadhali, Likun Zhang, Ying Wu* "Directional sound beam emission from a configurable compact multi-source system" Sci. Rep. 8, 1018 (2018)
- Ze-Guo Chen, Jiajun Zhao, Jun Mei, Ying Wu* "Acoustic frequency filter based on anisotropic topological phononic crystals" Sci. Rep. 7, 15005 (2017)
- Jiajun Zhao, Likun Zhang and Ying Wu* "Enhancing monochromatic multipole emission by a subwavelength enclosure of degenerate Mie resonances" J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 142 EL24 (2017)
- Ze-Guo Chen, Jun Mei, Xiao-Cheng Sun, Xiujuan Zhang, Jiajun Zhao and Ying Wu* "Multiple topological phase transitions in a gyromagnetic photonic crystal" Phys. Rev. A 95 043827 (2017)
- Xiujuan Zhang and Ying Wu* "Scheme for achieving coherent perfect absorption by anisotropic metamaterials" Opt. Express 25, 4860-4874 (2017)
- Ping Bai, Kun Ding, Gang Wang, Jie Luo, Zhao-Qing Zhang, C. T. Chan, Ying Wu*, and Yun Lai "Simultaneous realization of a coherent perfect absorber and laser by zero-index media with both gain and loss" Phys. Rev. A 94, 062841 (2016)
- Jun Mei, Zeguo Chen and Ying Wu* "Pseudo-time-reversal symmetry and topological edge states in two-dimensional acoustic crystals" Sci. Rep. 6 32752 (2016)
- Zeguo Chen and Ying Wu* "Tunable topological phononic crystals" Phys. Rev. Applied 5 054021 (2016)
- Ping Bai, Ying Wu* and Yun Lai "Multi-channel coherent perfect absorbers" Europhys. Lett. 114, 28003 (2016)
- Rasha Al Jadhali and Ying Wu* "High transmission acoustic focusing by impedance-matched acoustic meta-surfaces" Appl. Phys. Lett. 108, 031902 (2016)
- Zhaoxian Chen, Ze-Guo Chen, Yang Ming, Ying Wu*, Yan-qing Lu “Tunable waveguide bends with graphene-based anisotropic metamaterials” Appl. Phys. Express 9, 025101 (2016)
- Xiujuan Zhang and Ying Wu* "Effective medium theory for anisotropic metamaterials" Sci. Rep. 5, 7892 (2015)
- Jun Mei and Ying Wu* "Controllable transmission and total reflection through an impedance-matched acoustic metasurface" New J. Phys. 16, 123007 (2014)
- Xu Ni, Ying Wu, Ze-Guo Chen, Li-Yang Zheng, Ye-Long Xu, Priyanka Nayar, Xiao-Ping Liu, Ming-Hui Lu, Yan-Feng Chen "Acoustic rainbow trapping by coiling up space" Sci. Rep. 4, 7038 (2014) "
- Pai Peng, Bingmu Xiao and Ying Wu* "Flat acoustic lens by acoustic grating with curled slits" Phys. Lett. A 378, 3389-3392 (2014)
- Yan Li, Ying Wu and Jun Mei "Double Dirac cones in phononic crystals" Appl. Phys. Lett. 105, 014107 (2014)
- Weisheng Yue, Zhihong Wang, Yang Yang, Jingqi Li, Ying Wu, Longqing Chen, Boon Ooi, Xianbin Wang and Xi-xiang Zhang, "Enhanced extraordinary optical transmission (EOT) through arrays of bridged nanohole pairs and their sensing applications" Nanoscale 6 7917-7923 (2014)
- Pai Peng, Chunyin Qiu, Zhengyou Liu, and Ying Wu* "Controlling elastic waves with small phononic crystals containing rigid inclusions" Europhys. Lett. 106, 46003 (2014)
- Li-Yang Zheng, Ying Wu, Xu Ni, Ze-Guo Chen, Ming-Hui Lu and Yan-Feng Chen "Acoustic cloaking by a near-zero-index phononic crystal" Appl. Phys. Lett. 104, 161904 (2014)
- Ze-guo Chen, Ni Xu, Ying Wu, Cheng He, Xiao-Chen Sun, Li-Yang Zheng, Ming-Hui Lu and Yan-Feng Chen "Accidental degeneracy of double Dirac cones in a phononic crystal" Sci. Rep. 4 4613 (2014)
- Min Yang, Guancong Ma, Ying Wu, Zhiyu Yang, and Ping Sheng "Homogenization scheme for acoustic metamaterials" Phys. Rev. B 89, 064309 (2014)
- Ying Wu "A semi-Dirac point and an electromagnetic topological transition in a dielectric photonic crystal" Opt. Express 22, 1906-1917 (2014)
- Pai Peng, Sharefa Asiri, Xiujuan Zhang, Yan Li, and Ying Wu*, "A lumped model for rotational modes in periodic solid composties" Europhys. Lett. 104, 26001 (2013)
- Li-Yang Zheng, Ying Wu, Xiao-Liu Zhang, Xu Ni, Ze-Guo Chen, Ming-Hui Lu and Yan-Feng Chen, "A new type of artificial structure to achieve broadband omnidirectional acoustic absorption" AIP Advances 3, 102122 (2013)
- Ying Wu and Jichun Li, "Total reflection and cloaking by zero index metamaterialsloaded with rectangular dielectric defects" Appl. Phys. Lett. 102, 183105 (2013)
- Yan Li, Ying Wu* , Xi Chen, and Jun Mei, "Selection rule for Dirac-like points in two-dimensional dielectric photonic crystals" Opt. Express 21, 7699-7711 (2013)
- Yingbang Yao, QingXiao Wang, Hongtao Wang, Bei Zhang, Chao Zhao, Zhihong Wang, Zhengkui Xu, Ying Wu, Wei Huang, Pei-Yuan Qian, and X. X. Zhang, "The bio-assembled nano-composites in conch shells exhibit giant electret hysteresis" Adv. Mater. 25, 711-718 (2013)
- Pai Peng, Jun Mei, and Ying Wu*, "Lumped model for rotational modes in phononic crystals" Phys. Rev. B 86, 134304 (2012)
- Jun Mei, Ying Wu*, C. T. Chan, and Zhao-Qing Zhang, “First-principles study of Dirac and Dirac-like cones in phononic and photonic crystals” Phys. Rev. B 86, 035141 (2012)
- Jun Mei, Ying Wu*, and Zhengyou Liu, “Effective medium of periodic fluid-solid composites” Europhys. Lett., 98, 54001 (2012)
- Ying Wu, Yun Lai, and Zhao-Qing Zhang, “Elastic metamaterials with simultaneously negative effective shear modulus and mass density” Phys. Rev. Lett., 107, 105506 (2011)
- Yun Lai+, Ying Wu+, Ping Sheng, and Zhao-Qing Zhang “Hybrid Elastic Solids” Nature Materials, 10, 620 (2011). Equally contributed as the first author; Featured by Nature Materials in “News and Views”
- Yanyi Wan, Ying Wu, and Zhao-Qing Zhang “Static and dynamical transport properties of elastic wave propagation through random slabs in two dimensions” J. Acoust. Soc. Am, 126, 1807 (2009)
- Ying Wu and Zhao-Qing Zhang “Dispersion relations and their symmetry properties for electromagnetic and elastic metamaterials in two dimensions” Phys. Rev. B, 79, 195111(2009)
- Ying Wu, Yun Lai, Yanyi Wan,and Zhao-Qing Zhang “Wave propagation in strongly scattered random elastic media: energy equilibration and crossover from ballistic to diffusive behavior” Phys. Rev. B, 77, 125125 (2008)
- Ying Wu, Yun Lai, and Zhao-Qing Zhang, “Effective medium theory for elastic metamaterials in two dimensions” Phys. Rev. B, 76, 205313 (2007) One figure of this paper was selected to be displayed on the website of PRB
- Ying Wu, Jensen Li, Zhao-Qing Zhang and C. T. Chan, “Effective medium theory for magnetodielectric composites: Beyond the long-wavelength limit” Phys. Rev. B, 74, 085111(2006) * This paper has been selected for the August,28 2006 issue of Virtual Journal of Nanoscale Science& Technology.
Book Chapter and others:
- Rasha Al Jadhali, Xiujuan Zhang, and Ying Wu “Effective Medium Theory for Phononic Crystals with Fluid Hosts”, Chapter 9 of Theory and Design of Acoustic Mtamaterials, P. Frank Pai and Guoliang Huang (Ed.), ISBN: 978-1628418354, SPIE (2015)
- Xiujuan Zhang and Ying Wu*, "Semi-Dirac Points in Phononic Crystals" Proc. ASME. 46620; Volume 13: Vibration, Acoustics and Wave Propagation, V013T16A017.November 14, 2014 IMECE2014-37421(doi: 10.1115/IMECE2014-37421)
- Ying Wu, Jun Mei, and Ping Sheng, “Anisotropic dynamic mass density for fluid–solid composites” Physica B: Condensed Matter 407, 4093 (2012) (Invited proceedings of the conference: Wave Propagation: from Electrons to Photonic Crystals and Metamaterials)
- Ying Wu, Yun Lai, and Zhao-Qing Zhang, “Effective Medium Theories and Symmetry Properties of Elastic Metamaterials”, Metamaterial, Dr. Xun-Ya Jiang (Ed.), ISBN: 978-953-51-0591-6, InTech (2012)
Conference Talks
- (Invited) Zeguo Chen and Ying Wu “Tunable topological phononic crystals” Advanced concepts in wave physics: Topology and parity-time symmetries, Hong Kong, January 11-15, 2016
- (Invited) Ying Wu “From effective medium theory to linear dispersion relations” Outstanding Young Scientist Forum, South China University of Technology, Guangzhou, China, January 07-08, 2016
- (Invited) Ying Wu "Effective medium theory for periodic structures" The 2nd Australasian Conference on Wave Science, Adelaide, Australia, December 06-09 2015
- Ying Wu "Controllable transmission and total reflection through an impedance-matched acoustic metasurface" ASME 2015 International Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition, Houston, USA, November 16-19 2015
- Xiujuan Zhang and Ying Wu "Semi-Dirac points in phononic crystals" ASME 2014 International Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition, Montreal, Canada, November 14-20, 2014
- Ying Wu "Semi-Dirac Point in Anisotropic Photonic Crystals" PIERS 2014, Guangzhou, China, August 25-28, 2014
- Xiujuan Zhang and Ying Wu "Dynamic effective medium theory for anisotropic photonic crystals" PIERS 2014, Guangzhou, China, August 25-28, 2014
- Ming Yang, Guancong Ma, Ying Wu, Zhiyu Yang and Ping Sheng "A homogenization scheme for acoustic metamaterial" PIERS 2014, Guangzhou, China, August 25-28 2014
- Xiujuan Zhang and Ying Wu "Effective medium theory for anisotropic acoustic crystals" (poster) META'14, the 5th International Conference on Metamaterials, Photonic Crystals and Plasmonics, Singapore, May 20-23 2014
- Ying Wu " A semi-Dirac point in a photonic crystal" META'14, the 5th International Conference on Metamaterials, Photonic Crystals and Plasmonics, Singapore, May 20-23 2014
- Ying Wu, Jun Mei, Yan Li, C. T. Chan and Zhao-Qing Zhang "A Perturbation method for Dirac points in classical wave systems" META'14, the 5th International Conference on Metamaterials, Photonic Crystals and Plasmonics, Singapore, May 20-23 2014
- Ying Wu, "Rotational modes in phononic crystals" SPIE Smart Structures/NDE, San Diego, USA, March 9-13 2014
- Jun Mei, Ying Wu, C. T. Chan and Z. Q. Zhang "Dirac and Dirac-like cones for classical waves in periodic systems" SPIE Smart Structures/NDE, San Diego, USA, March 9-13 2014
- Ying Wu, Pai Peng and Jun Mei "Rotational Modes in Phononic Crystals" APS March Meeting 2014, Denver, USA, March 3-7 2014
- (invited) Ying Wu "First-principles study and selection rule of Dirac and Dirac-like points in photonic and phononic crystals" International Workshop on Wave Functional Materials, Suzhou, China, November 8-11, 2013
- Ying Wu, Jun Mei, C. T. Chan and Zhaoqing Zhang "Dirac and Dirac-like points in phononic crystals" International Symposium on Theory and Application of Artificial Periodic Structures, Changsha, China, October 18-20, 2013
- Jun Mei, Ying Wu and Yan Li "Dirac points in two dimensional photonic crystals" PIERS 13 Taipei, March 25-28, 2013
- Ying Wu "Effective medium of periodic electromagnetic composites" PIERS 13 Taipei, March 25-28, 2013
- Ying Wu and Jun Mei "Effective medium properties of acoustic crystals in two dimensions" SPIE Smart Structures/NDE, San Diego, USA, March 10-14, 2013
- Pierre-David Letourneau, Ying Wu, Eric Darve, George Papanicolaou "Fast 3D Algorithm for Wave Propagation in Strong-Scattering Media" Workshop on Waves and Imaging in Complex Media, Heraklion, Greece, June 7–15, 2012
- Ying Wu, Yun Lai, Ping Sheng, and Zhaoqing Zhang “Elastic metamaterials with negative bands”The Acoustics 2012 Hong Kong Conference, Hong Kong, May 13-18, 2012
- Jun Mei, Ying Wu, Zhengyou Liu, and Ping Sheng “Effective mass density for periodic solid-fluid composties” The Acoustics 2012 Hong Kong Conference, Hong Kong, May 13-18, 2012
- Pai Peng and Ying Wu “An effective medium approach and elastic metamaterials” The Acoustics 2012 Hong Kong Conference, Hong Kong, May 13-18, 2012
- Yingzi Ying and Ying Wu“A numerical study of interferometric imaging in underwater acoustics”The Acoustics 2012 Hong Kong Conference, Hong Kong, May 13-18, 2012
- (invited) Ying Wu“Multiple-scattering Theory and Its Applications” (invited) Workshop on Wave Propagation in Complex Media and Application, Heraklion, Crete, Greece, May 7-11, 2012
- Ying Wu, Yun Lai, Ping Sheng, and Zhao-Qing Zhang, “Elastic metamaterials and effective medium theory” American Physical Society (APS) March Meeting, Boston, MA, USA, February 27-March 2,2012
- Jun Mei, Ying Wu, C. T. Chan, and Zhao-Qing Zhang, “The Origin of Dirac cones for Classical Waves in Periodic Systems” American Physical Society (APS) March Meeting, Boston, MA, USA, February 27-March 2,2012
- Yun Lai, Ying Wu, C. T. Chan, Ping Sheng, and Zhao-Qing Zhang, “A Boundary Theory on the Effective Medium Approximation”International Conference on materials for Advanced Technologies, Singapore, Jun 26-July 1,2011
- Yun Lai, Ying Wu, C. T. Chan, Ping Sheng, and Zhao-Qing Zhang, “Obtaining effective medium parameters directly from the eigen-fields: a boundary effective medium theory”,The fifth International Conference on Nanophotonics, Shanghai, China, May 22-26,2011
- Ying Wu, Yun Lai, Ping Sheng, and Zhao-Qing Zhang “Elastic metamaterials with negative bands”, International Symposium of Acoustic Metamaterials, Beijing, China, May 23-25,2011
- Ying Wu, “Time-reversal imaging through complex media”,Workshop on Waves in Complex Media, Hong Kong, May 20, 2011
- Ying Wu, "Elastic metamaterials with negative bands”, KAUST-KFUPM Photonics Workshop, Saudi Arabia, March 2, 2011
- Ying Wu, Yun Lai and Zhao-Qing Zhang “Exotic solids made by elastic metamaterials“, Conference on the Mesoscopic Physics in Complex Media , Cargèse, Corsica, France, July 12-16,2010
- Ying Wu, Yun Lai, and Zhao-Qing Zhang, “Effective medium theory for elastic composites: Beyond the quasi-static limit”, The 7thInternational Symposium on Photonic and Electromagnetic Crystal Structures, (PECS VII), Monterey, CA, USA, April 08-11,2007
- Ying Wu, Jensen Li, Zhao-Qing Zhang and C. T. Chan, “A dynamical effective medium theory for meta-materials: Beyond the long wavelength limit”, American Physical Society (APS) March Meeting, Baltimore, MD, USA, March 12-17,2006
- Ying Wu, Jensen Li, Zhao-Qing Zhang and C. T. Chan, “A dynamical effective medium theory for meta-materials” The 13th National Conference on Condensed Matter Theory and Statistical Physics, Yinchuan, China, August 24-29,2005.