Effective medium theory
We applied the coherent potential approximation, multiple-scattering theory methods to derive effective medium theories for photonic/phononic crystals and metamaterials. In particular, we studied the finite frequency behavior of a metamaterial, tight-packing limit of a phoXonic crystal, and anisotropic property for rectangular and rhombus structures.
When wave propagates in a complex heterogeneous medium, it cannot “feel” the fine micro-structures of the medium if its wavelength is much larger than the size of the micro-structure. The wave behaves as if it is traveling in a homogenized medium. The property of the homogenized medium is determined by the micro-structures and their relation is characterized by effective medium theories. We applied the coherent potential approximation, multiple-scattering theory methods to derive effective medium theories for photonic/phononic crystals and metamaterials. In particular, we studied:
- finite frequency behavior of a metamaterial: effective parameters are related to the scattering coefficients
- tight-packing limit of a phononic crystal: higher order filling ratio terms are non-negligible in the effective mass-density
- anisotropic property for rectangular and rhombus structures: the anisotropy only appears in mass-density
Prof. Zhaoqing Zhang, Prof. Ping Sheng, Prof. Zhengyou Liu, Prof. Jun Mei, Prof. Yun Lai
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